God’s Word
A Guide to Holy Scripture
John W. Kleinig opens up the riches found in the Bible. He likens God’s word to a lavish meal that nourishes and satisfies our souls. He shows us the centrality of Scripture to Christian faith—the word through which the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit speak with one voice to believers on Earth.

London Writings
The Spiritual and Theological Journal of Johann Georg Hamann, translated by John Kleinig
The first complete English translation of this seminal work by Johann Georg Hamann, the recently rediscovered 18th century German philosopher, hailed for his critique of the Enlightenment, his anticipation of postmodernism, and his relevance to contemporary theology.

Wonderfully Made
A Protestant Theology of the Body
In Wonderfully Made, John Kleinig forms a properly biblical theology of our bodies. Through his keen sensitivity to Scripture’s witness, Kleinig explains why bodies matter. While sin has corrupted our bodies and how we think of them, God’s creation is still good. Thus, our bodies are good gifts. The Son took on a body to redeem our bodies. Kleinig addresses issues like shame, chastity, desire, gender dysphoria, and more, by integrating them into the biblical vision of creation.

Concordia Commentary Series, 2017
“I can truly say that none of my scholarly projects has given me such great intellectual enjoyment and spiritual nourishment as this undertaking.” (From the Author’s Preface)

Grace Upon Grace
Spirituality for Today
Dr. Kleinig clarifies that there is no process for becoming spiritual. Instead, God graciously gives to us every spiritual gift that we need, beginning with the very gift of faith in Christ, our Savior.

You, My People, Shall Be Holy
A Festschrift in honour of John W. Kleinig
Essay contributions by 19 renowned theologians from around the world and two hymns.

Concordia Commentary
God speaks in Leviticus to give Israel his instructions for the divine worship service. His prescriptions for the many kinds of sacrifices are attended by his promises for the forgiveness of sins and life with him.

Prayer: We Speak to God
Lutheran Spirituality Series
This Bible study encourages participants to rejoice in prayer as a great privilege, to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they pray, to approach God the Father in prayer with faith in Jesus as their Intercessor, to join with the congregation in praying for the world, and so much more.

The Lord’s Song
Choral Music in Chronicles
In this volume based on his doctoral research, Dr. Kleinig analyses the ritual function and theological significance of sacred song in Chronicles. Attention is given to the divine institution and royal establishment of the Levitical choir in Jerusalem, the components of the Lord’s song in terms of its contents, location, times, instruments and performers, the function of sacred song as determined by its place within the sacrificial ritual follows, and its theological significance as the proclamation of the Lord’s presence with his people.